Sunday 24 April 2016

Claudia - Hair Charts

 Claudia - Hair Charts

For Claudia's hair I wanted to do something that was messy and warn like she had this hair style when she got caught by Mrs Laderman but hasn't done anything with it since. The model I am using she has got extremely long hair so also have to work with her hair as well. 

My first hair chart you can see on the left is a top knot bun, which would be quite high up on the head. I would like to have bits pulled out and messy around her face as well as round the back of the neck. 
I decided against this hair style when I decided what model I would be using because in the past when I have worked on the same model, it is extremely hard to get that messy bun look because of her hair being so long and heavy. I think the main reason for this is because she doesn't have any layers which means you cant pull whips of hair out. 

In this hair chart I have created a classic school girl look by parting it in the centre all the way down the back and then also having two plaits down either side. 
The plaits are going to be just normal plates because this way I can make them as baggy as I want because I feel like if I use a french or fishtail then it becomes quite tight and harder to make it look messy. 
I decided I didn't want it go with this idea just because I prefer my last hair chart because I want a slight hight at the back of her hair because even though Claudia is young she's not really young and maybe wouldn't wear this type of hair style reading over hair profile again. 

In my last hair chart I have created a half up, half down look, I will be using a messy side parting which I slightly off like its been pulled and pushes around a bit. I will then sweep the hair back into half up ponytail  Once this is secure I will then start pulling parts out to make it look messy and bed head style, like she's had that hair style in for a while. I also want to back comb parts to make it look unwashed.

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