Sunday 24 April 2016

Mrs Laderman Face Chart Designs

Mrs Laderman - Face Chart Designs 

Below I have three face chart designs which are for Mrs Laderman a character which we were given but we had to slot them into a TV series of our choice. I have chosen Bate Motel which is also inspired by the film Psycho which I have done a lot of research into and also done other research into film where there is a woman as the villain in the story line. 
I also watched The Others because that was a good example as well as Psycho of a woman which has gone crazy, in Bate Motel and Psycho its Norman Bates which is crazy and ends up being the killer for all the innocent people. 
I have taken parts from all my research and put them into face charts below...

In this face chart I have got a smokey black eye, with thick eyeliner and dark long lashes. I have also got a bold strong red lip and a full face of foundation. I have also done a strong brow to create a more intimidating look on my model. 
I have also aged this model by creating subtle wrinkles on the forehead to show that she is older. 
I was inspired to do this look when reading a artical about how they make woman scary in films. I decided on doing a face chart like this because I think having a sharp stern looking makeup could create an intimidating effect on the audience and the other characters. 
I decided not to use this one as my final outcome because I didn't think I would come off as well as I would have wanted it too. 
Plus I have wrote in my story that I wanted her to look slightly ill and I don't know how I would make this look work when being so made up.

In this face chart I have based my ideas on her looking skinny and ill. I really wanted to focus mainly on the fact of her not looking very well in this face chart by creating harsh contour on the cheeks and nose. I would do this in greys so it would create slightly more ages effect.
I haven't chosen this face chart as my final design because I would like to shoot my ideas in the studio to get the best quality images I can but using studio lighting normally cancels out a lot of makeup because of the lighting which I experienced in the past. The only way I could keep a defined line would be through using the supra colour but I feel like that doesn't look as effective and realistic. 

This is the face chart I have decided to take forward, this face chart design would be done by starting off with a base of latex over the face to create the old age looking skin. I would then powder the face but I wouldn't be putting any colour on top because I don't want to make it look too fake and stand out which I feel like if you put foundation on top it doesn't look effective. I also wanted to use my Charles Fox bruise wheel under the eyes to create a tired stressed look on the face. 
This look was inspired by the old lady and the mother of the children in The Others because I really liked the idea of using the old woman looks to create the same effect with the wrinkled skin and also the pale skin, I am going to do this by just not adding colour to my model. 
In the film The Others the old woman has grey hair but this is to replicate that she is quite old which Mrs Laderman isn't old she's 40. My model has blonde hair so I'm not going to colour her hair because I didn't want her to look too old as that doesn't suit her character profile  I was also inspired by Psycho but more in the way I would like the model to pose more than the face chart. I would like a slightly creepy and eerie look in her eyes. 
Bate Motel and Psycho they have the same character of Norman Bates, like I said in my earlier post I want the makeup to be obvious that I have done something too the face but at the same time not extremely obvious because having a split personality doesn't make you look any different on the outside, its all inside their heads which I would like to capture while taking the image. 

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