Thursday 10 March 2016

Importance Of Continuity

The Importance Of Continuity 

All Films and TV productions are never shot all at the same time, this is to do with the access to certain locations, availability of actors and weather conditions. 
All these different problems have a big impact on the film and can effect the continuity not just in the makeup but if its a stormy day and suddenly its sunny in the next shot then this wont make sense. 

A lot of films have to be filmed when they can, so if the actor has to go they will have to shoot the next scene the next week sometimes, which means that in an action film if the actor has a cut on his face, this has to be recreated. This would need to be in the exact same place and have the exact same effect to the audience. It can even be more than a year later that they will go back to a certain scene and decide its not perfect and have to re-shoot. This mean that its the makeup artists job to keep track of what they are doing and take pictures and take notes as they go so that they can go back to it at any time and recreate the same thing.

Creating face charts is a good way to note down all the products you will be using and the tools and brushes you used to create the look. Its also really important to make sure you use the same brushes, different brushes create different looks and lines and shapes. Also the same for hair, creating hair charts of what tools and brushes you used to create this look and also noting down the types of products used because using a gel will create a different look than hair spray will. 

The easiest way i find is taking pictures of every step and then putting them onto my laptop and printing them out, then writing under the image what went first and what products i used. Also any problems i came across that i wouldn't do next time to make it easier for me if i have to recreate the look over and over.


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