Saturday 5 March 2016

In Depth Analyses Of My Chosen Character

In Depth Analyses Of My Chosen Character...

After doing research into my chosen character of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, I have decided that for the assessment I will be focusing on the point in the book where he is changing into Mr Hyde towards the end when he doesn't want to change into Mr Hyde but just wants everything to be back to normal in a way. I really like the idea of showing him when he's at his most angry and showing roar emotion of hate against his self more than anything. 
When he changed into Mr Hyde it reminds me of Werewolves and when they change from being human into a beast. It reminds me of this not just from the transformation but from the way that other characters have described him, using words like ape like and relating it to an animal in those days was probity the worst way to describe someones appearance. 
The only problem about doing him in transaction is that it has been done so  many times and don't want to copy anything that has been done already. So I have decided to take a part of the book and a part of the film which I have watched and reviewed. I like the part when he has changed into Mr Hyde and then he looks at himself in the mirror. In the seen I will be creating the makeup for I want to do where towards the end of the book he starts to get angry at changing as he cant control it, so I want to show a seen where he looks in the mirror and smashes it. I will show this in makeup by having a piece of mirror which has smashed and scared the skin and is sticking out of the face somehow. I will need to practice this to see if my idea will even work because we haven't attempted doing this in class. I would also like to show a classic Victorian by showing this in the hair as i'm going to attempt a hair style that looks like its from the same era which the book was wrote in. 

I will start to create some face charts to show my first ideas... 

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